Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chosen detention

Monday mornings are a pain,managers are monsters, traffic an Everest and home a mess. In a nutshell life is just a drag. One is doing things because one is supposed to do them. But, Of course one enjoys on Saturdays and Sundays.
When I was a child I had always wanted to become a singer. I remember me, with two of my best friends, rehearsing in front of virtual audience after school hours. One of my friends wanted to become an astronaut and the other a pilot. I have never come across a child who expressed a desire to become the CEO of a big multinational company. Now, most of us aspire the same: a higher salary and a secured job is all that we are driven to. What changes our dreams and aspirations so drastically? What brings down our focus from high dreams to moderate achievable goals?

Scientists say that almost every child is born with superior intelligence. But, the tragedy of human civilization is that only one Einstein evolves in centuries. This garden is full of identical grass weeds with very few coincident roses. 99% from us choose socially acceptable apparently secured work profiles than individualistic interesting ones. And even though we praise individualists, we choose herd mediocrities for ourselves. Deep inside we are keener in following than leading: following an Obama, following a Bill gates, following an Einstein.
But, when one follows and adopts solutions from others, the validity of solutions is lost. Our unreasonable clinging to answers turns them into bigger questions again. Industrial revolution was an answer for great depression. Our obsession with it is slowly turning into a historical problem. Man is working like robots without thinking, without dreaming, without living.
We are holding tight to our age old ship that is punched with holes everywhere. Life is all about building new ships and going for newer expeditions. And, easy tried solutions are not always the appropriate ones. If one is born unique one should live unique. A prototype life is irreparable waste.